Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We Have A Crawler!

Just when I was beginning to think that Charley would never crawl, she went and proved me wrong. Of course, she decided to wait five minutes after I left for work to show Daddy her new trick. I forgive her. Well, Saturday night, before Matt left to play his dorky game, Matt told me that she had been sitting up on her own. Charley had been sitting unassisted for awhile now but she couldn't quite figure out how to get into the position. She would lie on her back and cry until one of us pulled her up. As soon as Matt left the house, she really did sit up! Being the silly girl that she is, however, she cried the whole time. She cried while pushing herself up with one arm, but as soon as she was in the sitting position, she was a happy girl again! The next morning, I left for work at 730. Matt and Charley were both awake when I left. After being at work for a solid five minutes, Matt texted me saying that she was actually crawling! The excited mommy in me debated quitting my job and rushing home to see her in action. Luckily, the rational adult that enjoys having a house and food decided that she would still be crawling when I got home that afternoon. I rushed home at the end of the day but when I got there, she was just not in the mood for a show. We loaded up and headed to my parents' for dinner. I put her down in the floor there and after a bit of fussing, she actually crawled. She moved about a foot but it could have been a mile! I was so proud of her! She truly is growing up so fast. She will be walking soon and the next thing I know, it will be her first day of school! These days are the best times of my life and I love being her mommy.